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A dog sitting on the floor next to a couch.

Affordable Pet Spot Removal Services in Northwest Arkansas

Magic Carpet Cleaning is a local carpet cleaning firm providing affordable pet spot removal services in Northwest Arkansas, to homeowners who want to keep their homes clean, healthy, and fresh smelling after the mess created by their pets. Magic Carpet Cleaning is familiar with the struggle that customers are likely to do after accidents caused by their pets. That’s why we provide our services to help our customers deal with the foul odor and stains on their carpets.

Revolutionary Treatment

Our team of professionals has years of experience in serving in this industry and is familiar with the effective ways and products that can be used to deal with odor and pet stains. Our revolutionary pet stain treatment process works by eliminating the source of odor that can be present deep down in your carpet fibers. The organic products that we use destroy urine crystals and eliminate odor from your rugs, carpets, and upholstery.

Proven And Tested Odor Removal Products

Our years-long experience and knowledge of cleaning pet stains have enabled us to design and develop unique cleaning treatment that has far better efficiency and effectiveness than all the other processes present in the industry. Our process and the products used in it are tested by credible laboratories for their effectiveness. The results show that our pet stain treatment process was 60% more effective than store-bought cleaning products and 35% more efficient than the processes used by other professional cleaning companies

Let us take this task off your busy schedule!