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Home / Tips and Tricks for a Spotless Holiday Season

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Tips and Tricks for a Spotless Holiday Season

“Be prepared.”

Someone once asked Scouting founder, Robert Baden-Powell, “Prepared for what?” To which he replied, “Why, for any old thing.”

As the holiday season kicks off, hosting the big feast comes with the excitement of reuniting with loved ones, indulging in delicious food, and creating lasting memories. However, with a house full of guests and the potential for accidental spills, it’s wise to be prepared for any mishaps that may come your way.

Carpet Spill and Stain First Aid Kit

To navigate the potential pitfalls of spills and stains, equip yourself with:

  • Clean white cotton towels and/or a roll of plain white paper towels
  • Cornstarch
  • Dawn dish soap
  • White vinegar
  • White wine
  • Club soda
  • Shaving cream
  • A clean spray bottle.

With these tools at your disposal, you can tackle any unexpected stain with confidence.

Some basic guidelines:

  • Before diving into spot treatment, always test new cleaning products on unseen areas of the carpet to ensure they won’t cause damage.
  • When dealing with stains, remember to gently blot instead of rubbing, as rubbing can fray carpet fibers.
  • Opt for white cloths or plain paper towels to avoid the risk of transferring dye into the carpet.
  • Never soak the carpet, as this can lead to issues such as rippling, stain recurrence, and mold.
  • After cleanup, place a clean, dry towel weighted down to expedite the drying process.

An Ounce of Prevention

  • To minimize the risk of stains, consider using doormats and runners to prevent mud, dirt, or melted snow from being tracked onto your carpet.
  • When serving in the living room, provide folding tables for guests to set down glasses or plates, reducing the likelihood of spills.
  • Placemats, tablecloths, and coasters as well as runners under chairs at the dinner table, can act as protective barriers.
  • If you are expecting children to attend, setting up a separate kid’s table can mitigate potential spills in carpeted areas.

Dealing with Spills

When spills occur, initiate the cleanup process by picking up solid food immediately. Avoid scrubbing, as this can push the stain deeper into the carpet. Dab the stains with a mixture of water and vinegar and place a paper towel over them until you’re ready to fully tackle the clean up after the feast.

Common Stain Solutions

Cranberry Sauce  – Use a solution of one teaspoon of liquid detergent to one cup of water and blot with a wet sponge.

Gravy - Gently work shaving cream into the stain. Or, you can use a mixture of hot water and vinegar. Either way, follow up by dabbing with a wet sponge until the carpet is clean.

Red Wine – Surprisingly, to remove red wine stains, apply a splash of white wine. First, absorb as much of the red wine from your carpet by placing a clean, white cotton towel over the spill and standing on it – the extra pressure will help to absorb more of the red wine. Then, use a spray bottle to lightly mist the white wine over the red wine stain. Again, use the white cotton towel and stand on the spill. Repeat several times to lift the red wine spill from your carpet.

Mud Stains – Start by removing excess dirt with a vacuum cleaner. Once the area is clean, use a carpet cleaner or spot remover to treat the stain effectively.

The holidays are a time for joy, laughter, and cherished moments with friends and family. With these cleanup tips and tricks, you can navigate the potential spills and stains, ensuring that your focus remains on the company and the celebration. So, as you prepare for the holidays, arm yourself with knowledge and a well-stocked cleaning kit. After all, a spotless feast is the key to enjoying a stress-free holiday with the ones you love most. Cheers to a season filled with warmth, gratitude, and a clean carpet!

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